I experimented with rice paper rolls in the air fryer with great success! They're tasty, healthy and one of my first of many reasons to invest in an air fryer. This recipe is low in fat compared to regular spring rolls... but just as tasty!

Makes 5 spring rolls
5 rice paper sheets (you can find these in the specialty asian section of most supermarkets)
1/2 cup shredded chicken
1 medium carrot, grated
100g mushrooms, grated (around 5 small ones)
Small handful of red onion, approximately 2 tablespoons, chopped
1/4 cup red capsicum, chopped
1 garlic clove, chopped
ginger (1cm square), chopped
10 thai basil leaves
2cm chopped lemongrass
Chilli oil, chilli flakes or jalapeños to preference
Mix all ingredients together, ensuring the egg coats everything well.
Dip the rice paper QUICKLY into quite warm water. It may feel under hydrated, however it will continue to absorb the water as you remove and wrap. Over hydrating the rice paper will result in sloppy wraps. You can use a wide bowl, pan or also quickly rinsing under a warm tap.
Wrap them firmly, however not TOO tight as they may split when air frying.
Air fry for 15-17 minutes at 200 degrees (smaller fryers may be faster).
Allow to sit before eating as they will be piping hot
These are my absolute favourite!